Our Community

Artists with Special Needs and Social Challenges

Embraced by a Community Fit for Their Dreams

At Kreative call, we are committed to bringing real and positive change to our community of Artists with Special Needs and Social Challenges through our social entrepreneurship platform. Driven by our core values and beliefs, our social entrepreneurship initiative focuses on improving the art of our gifted artists and their integration in society as humans and artists.

It’s through workshops, skill-building initiatives, new art techniques and by providing all the needed material in our “Ateliers” that we aim to ensure our artists are able to fully and comfortably interact and express their creativity at best.

Depending on the art type, Kreative call’s team along with the artists and their respective associations design customized programs and develop innovative techniques to address their specific artistic needs.

Our Community of Artists includes Artists with Autism, Artists with Behavior Disorder, Artist with Visual Impairment and Artists with Social Challenges…

Gifted Artists who are members of a local renowned association specialized in their respective cases are welcome to be part of our community.

So far, four “Ateliers” are totally equipped to welcome our artists and allow them to let their creativity run wild: Gemmayze, Baabda, Burj Hammoud and Jdeide.

Kreative Call Meets The United Nations Global Compact Lebanon

Not only does Kreative Call adhere to its duty as a responsible citizen, but also adheres to norms and values of international magnitude.

The United Nations Global Compact Lebanon

Kreative call has applied to be part of a larger global community:
The United Nations Global Compact Lebanon

The United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)

The UNGC is a strategic policy initiative for businesses and NGOs that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with the 10 universal accepted principles

SDG 3 and SDG 10

We are committed to embed sustainability in our everyday work and be advocating to the Social Development Goals and mainly SDG 3 “Good Health and Well-being” and SDG 10 “Reduced inequality “

Our Artists unveiling their creativity in our ‘Ateliers’

Dedicated Support

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Proin feugiat pharetra nisi in viverra. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis

Unique Design

Proin feugiat pharetra nisi in viverra. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis

Four “Ateliers” in Lebanon so far are totally equipped where our Artists
can come to unveil their creativity



Burj Hammoud


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